Downloading Your HDF File


What is an HDF File?

An HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) file contains detailed data about your energy usage. This data helps in analysing and optimising your energy consumption, making it easier to manage your utility plans effectively.

Why OneBill Needs Your HDF File:

  • Detailed Insights: Provides comprehensive data on your energy usage.
  • Optimisation: Helps optimise your energy consumption and identify potential savings.
  • Accurate AutoSwitch: Allows OneBill AutoSwitch to work at it’s full potential.

How to Download Your HDF File:

  • 1 - Go to the ESB Networks website and register or log in.
  • 2 - Navigate to My Energy Consumption.
  • 3 - Click on Downloads.
  • 4 - Locate 30 Minute Readings in Calculated kWh and click download (CSV).

For a step-by-step visual guide, click on the YouTube video

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